Sunday, 6 October 2024
Welcome to our weekly worship on Sunday 6th October. The theme for this Sunday is forgiveness and the meeting is led by Major Jo Todd.
Previous videos
All of our video meetings can be found on our YouTube channel.
Welcome to our weekly worship on Sunday 6th October. The theme for this Sunday is forgiveness and the meeting is led by Major Jo Todd.
All of our video meetings can be found on our YouTube channel.
Welcome to our weekly worship on Sunday 29th September. This Sunday is our harvest celebration, led by Major Andrew Jarrold.
Welcome to our weekly worship on Sunday 15th September. The Salvation Army East of England youth sections are leading this morning’s meeting.
Welcome to our weekly worship on Sunday 8th September. The theme for this Sunday is ‘Education Sunday’ and the meeting is led by Major Andrew Jarrold.
Welcome to our weekly worship on Sunday 1st September. The theme for this Sunday is ‘Our Daily Bread’ and the meeting is led by Major Jo Todd.
Welcome to our weekly worship on Sunday 25th August. The theme for this Sunday is ‘Are you Hungry?’ and the meeting is led by Captain Andrew Jarrold.
Welcome to our weekly worship on Sunday 18th August. The meeting is led by Major Andrew Jarrold.
Welcome to our weekly worship on Sunday 11th August. The theme for this Sunday is ‘Olympics’ and the meeting is led by Major Andrew Jarrold.
Welcome to our weekly worship on Sunday 4th August. The theme for this Sunday is ‘safeguarding’ and the meeting is led by Major Jo Todd.
Welcome to our weekly worship on Sunday 21st July. The theme for this Sunday is ‘Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven’ and the meeting is led by Major Jo Todd.
Welcome to our weekly worship on Sunday 7th July. The theme for this Sunday is ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ and the meeting is led by Major Jo Todd.
Welcome to our weekly worship on Sunday 30th June. The theme for this Sunday is ‘Who Do You Believe? and the meeting is led by Captain Andrew Jarrold.
Welcome to our weekly worship on Sunday 24th June. This Sunday is our Young People’s Celebration.